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Project: JED Events

Type of contract: Project.
Our services: Sale and delivery of workshop tools.
Products employed: Moving Wall 


In the former printing works, where the Neue Zürcher Zeitung was printed until 2015, there is now a spectacular location for corporate events.


Event organisers are afforded 2500 m² of event space, complete with comprehensive technical equipment, high-quality event furniture, professional event catering and the assistance of the JED Events team with their many years of experience.


Top support is always guaranteed because the new JED Events offices are also located in the converted industrial building. When furnishing the open-plan office with its adjoining meeting room, the interior designers opted for our Moving Walls. These come into their own in the former industrial space with its bold and stimulating colour accents.


«Our vision of creating comfortable and connected spaces that people love using has become a reality. An industrial site, which has so much history and character, continues living on in the shape of a modern hub for work, exchanging knowledge and meeting people.»

Source: JED Events


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